Facial Aesthetics

The aging process is a natural event of the human body, producing atrophy or thinning of soft tissues as well as the loss of tone and integrity.
At the facial level, it occurs unevenly, emphasizing areas such as nasolabial folds, frontal, buccal, chin and submental areas. These areas are affected by the involution of the facial muscular system, which is more accentuated in those areas with more intimate contact with the skin.
As age advances, these connections become weakened and cause the appearance of wrinkles, increased depth of folds, and worsening of wrinkles.
Since the 1970s, craniofacial and plastic surgeons began applying surgical techniques to restore tension to the soft tissues of the face such as facelifts.
Over the years, surgery has focused on increasingly less invasive treatments to rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck; through different treatments such as facial fillers, botulinum toxin treatments and even facial tension threads. All of them in order to restore tension to these loose fabrics with loss of tension or contour.
The threads are synthetic polymers, just like the material used for suturing the body's soft tissues; stimulating the activation of fibroblasts that produce collagen. These threads are inserted into the subcutaneous tissue, they are provided with spicules that are fixed under the skin, preventing them from moving, providing the tension that has been lost on said tissues, creating a new and improved volumetric contour.
Plastic Surgery
- Blepharoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Bichat Balls
- Facial Fat
- Mentoplasty
- Face Lift
Aesthetic Medicine
- Hyaluronic acid
- Tensioning wires
- Botox
- Mesotherapy
In the Middle Third of the Face
- Nasolabial folds
- Puppet Wrinkles
In Jowls and Neck
- Mandibular angle drop
- Chin drop